Monday, November 23, 2009

Blog #4

For this blog I read from the book New Moon by Stephanie Meyer. As Bella continues to try to adjust to life without Edward around, she discovers that when she does dangerous things or things that get her adrenaline going she can hear Edward urging her to stop in her head. She is not sure why she is hearing his voice or if she is going crazy but she continues to act like this because it is the only way she can remember his voice. After finding and fixing up the motorcycles, Jacob teaches Bella to ride them and just as she expected Edwards voice came back in her head and advised her to stop. Of course she keeps going and ends up crashing pretty bad and getting hurt. While driving back home, Bella spots people jumping off a cliff in the distance. She thinks they are committing suicide and as she is about to run and stop them Jacob explains to her that they are cliff diving and it's something they do for fun in La Push. He does not seem to like these people very much at all though. Bella asks Jacob to take her cliff diving one day.

Blog #5

For this blog I read more of New Moon by Stephanie Meyer. Lately Bella has been noticing Jacob acting very strange. He seems very upset about this new group of guys hanging out with Sam Uley because he is taking his friend from him and he never hangs out with him anymore. This really upsets Bella because she cares about him and she can tell it's hurting him. She is also noticing that she depends more on Jacob to keep her from hurting when Edward isn't around. One day, Bella goes to a movie with Jacob and Mike which was not a good situation because the two guys both like Bella and were competing the whole time. They go to a horror movie because it is the only one Bella thinks she can see without it reminding her of Edward. On the way home Bella notices that Jacob looks like he doesn't feel too well and she feels his forehead and notices he is burning up. He insists he will be fine and leaves. Bella starts to get worried when Jacob doesn't call her for a few days and doesn't return her calls. She now spends most of her time worrying about Jacob and what is going on instead of thinking about Edward which demonstrates how much Jacob means to her. I am confused as to why Jacob won't answer and think that he is hiding something from her because he wouldn't normally act like that.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Blog #4

For this blog I read from the book New Moon by Stephanie Meyer. As Bella continues to try to adjust to life without Edward around, she discovers that when she does dangerous things or things that get her adrenaline going she can hear Edward urging her to stop in her head. She is not sure why she is hearing his voice or if she is going crazy but she continues to act like this because it is the only way she can remember his voice. After finding and fixing up the motorcycles, Jacob teaches Bella to ride them and just as she expected Edwards voice came back in her head and advised her to stop. Of course she keeps going and ends up crashing pretty bad and getting hurt. While driving back home, Bella spots people jumping off a cliff in the distance. She thinks they are committing suicide and as she is about to run and stop them Jacob explains to her that they are cliff diving and it's something they do for fun in La Push. He does not seem to like these people very much at all though. Bella asks Jacob to take her cliff diving one day.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blog #2

Edward decides that it's time to take Bella out to learn how to hunt. During this time she discovers all of the new things she can do. She can jump out of a second story window and land gracefully without making any noise, and jump over a river in one leap. Edward is even surprised at how fast she catches on to things and the extent of her strength. Once they were in the forest and about to start hunting for animals, Bella catches the scent of a human and starts to follow the scent. Edward is alarmed and tries to stop her, and when he finally gets her attention she turns around and gives him her full attention. This shocks Edward, because usually when a vampire starts to follow a humans scent they become obsessed and cannot stop. Bella was able to stop easily with her own will which is very unusual because she is a newborn. Edward and Bella decide it's time to go back to the house after they are done hunting, and they find Jacob guarding them from entering the house. He says he is there to protect Renesmee which is strange to Bella because she thought Jacob hated the baby. Bella insists on seeing her and they finally let her, even though they didn't want her to because they thought she would want to drink her blood. Bella has no problem being around the baby and proves them wrong. Later, Carlisle comes to the conclusion that the talent Bella was gifted with when she made her transformation into a vampire is self-control.

Blog #1

Bella's pregnancy begins to get out of hand. Carlisle leaves with Esme and Emmett to go hunting, and leaves Edward, Alice, and Rosalie to take care of Bella while he is gone. Bella's child continues to grow, and accidentally breaks Bella's spine causing her to pass out. Because of this, Edward is forced to perform the surgery himself. Bella is semi-conscious during this but does not feel the pain. Once Edward successfully delivered the baby, he has no choice but to change her into a vampire because she would not survive the injuries. He bites her in multiple places so that the venom will get into her system as fast as possible. The process of turning into a vampire is very excruciating pain that is almost intolerable. Stephanie Meyer writes about this part through Bella's perspective and tries to describe the most painful thing that could ever happen to anyone and that is what it felt like for Bella. After a couple days when the process is complete, Bella starts her new life as a vampire. Everything about her is different... the way she looks, the sound of her voice, even all of her senses. She can hear things from very far away and can see things she never was able to as a human. She is also very graceful and powerful, even more so than Edward, which is weird because she used to be so weak and clumsy compared to any of the Cullens. Bella tries to convince her new family to let her see her child Renesmee but they don't believe that she has the self control to see her without harming the baby.

Blog #1

The book I chose for outside reading is Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. I picked this book because I read the first three books in the series and loved them.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Blog # 15

For my blog about overcoming odds I read a biography about Oprah Winfrey. She overcame many odds in her lifetime. She was born to unwed, poor, teenage parents in Koskiusko Mississippi. She was raised by her grandmother for the first six years of her life, where her grandma taught her to love reading. From age 6 to 13 Oprah was sent back to live with her mother Vernita Lee. She was raped by a cousin when she was just 9 years old and molested two other times by men close to her family. She kept this a secret and dealt with the pain by rebelling and running away from home. After this she was sent to live with her father in Nashville. She got pregnant at age 14 and gave birth to a stillborn baby. At this point in her life, she decided it was time to make some changes. Her father was very strict and forced a very disciplined lifestyle on her at a young age... he even required her to read and write a book report on a new book weekly. When she was nineteen, she landed her first job as a reporter for a radio station, then went to Tennessee State University to pursue this career. In 1976 Oprah hosted a TV show, "People are Talking", where she gained fame. She later won an academy award for her role in Stephen Spielbergs 'The Color Purple' and now has her own show, The Oprah Winfrey Show. Oprah's story is inspirational because she overcame so many odds and completely turned her life around for the better and she is an amazing woman.

Walker, Victoria. "Oprah Winfrey Biography." Essortment. 4 June 2002. 22 March 2009.